4 Year Old Graduation
The Monday/Wednesday 4 year old children in the afternoon class will be graduating on Wednesday, June 23rd. And the Tuesday/Thursday classes will be graduating on Thursday, June 24th. Please note the change in hours above for those days. Also, 3 year old children attending the Monday/Wednesday afternoon class are asked not to attend playschool on the 23rd. Their last day will be June 21st. Snacks will not be needed on graduation days.
Unfortunately, graduation will look a little different this year due to the COVID-19 restrictions. Parents will not be able to be in the classroom to watch their child graduate, however Michelle and I have been working on some ideas, and special surprises for the kids so they can enjoy their special day.
Similar to what the children did at Christmas, they will participate in a chant that will be recorded and shared with parents. We will also be recording and sharing video of each child receiving their diploma. Class pictures and individual pictures will be taken of the children in their graduation caps, gown, and holding their diplomas.
Because we still wanted to give parents the opportunity to take their own pictures of their graduate, an outdoor space will be provided for parents to use. Please note, this is dependent on weather and Covid-19 guidelines. We strongly ask that parents social distance and do not have large gatherings around the backdrop. The current guidelines specify 5 people in outdoor spaces. This may change before graduation, but all planning has been based on today's guidelines.
We know these guys are more than ready to move on to kindergarten, but it will still be a sad day for us!