

The Carstairs Playschool welcomes children who are three years of age by December 31st of the year they wish to attend. However, children must be turn three before attending programming. Three spots will be held for those children who are not three by September 30th, but will be before December 31st.* Parents are responsible for paying programming fees for each month prior to their child being able to attend. The three year old class consists of a maximum of 15 children. Children must be toilet trained completely before they can attend.

***NOTE: These spots have been filled for the 2025/2026 year. You can choose to be placed on the waitlist.***

To provide additional options for three year old children, the Carstairs Playschool has added a 3/4 split class on Monday and Wednesday afternoons. This program is available for children who are three by September 1st or four by December 31st.

Click a class below to view the approximate schedule of a typical day for your 3 year old (exact times may vary slightly)

Currently wait listing 3 year old program for 2024/2025

3 year old program for 2025/2026

Only three spots will be held for children who are not three by September 30th, but turn three by December 31st. ***NOTE: THESE THREE SPOTS HAVE BEEN FILLED FOR THE 2025/2026 YEAR. YOU CAN CHOOSE TO BE ADDED TO THE WAITLIST IF YOUR CHILD WILL NOT BE THREE BY SEPTEMBER 30TH.***

3 Year Old Classes: Monday/Wednesday:

8:45AM – 11:15AM

8:45am – 8:55am

Staggered Drop Off – Ms. Johnson will greet our students and families just outside the facility door. Once she checks their attendance off, children will enter the facility, where Mrs. Gerle will be waiting to assist in hanging up coats, taking out water bottles and snack bags.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle assists the children, as they arrive, in proper hand washing etiquette

Putting On Shoes - The children are always required to wear shoes due to fire regulations. Shoes will remain in the playschool; housed in individual shoe cubbies.

8:55am – 9:05am

Welcome Song – The children proceed to find their spot on the carpet. Each student has a circle sticker with thier name on it. Having these circles allows for specific seating and encourages the children to look and recognize their name. Once everyone is seating, Mrs. Gerle will teach the children the Welcome Song.

Story Time - The Star Student gets to pick the story that Mrs. Gerle reads to the class. Story time could include various books. It could be interactive stories, felt book stories or regular stories. Mrs. Gerle will ask the children questions as they navigate through the story. “What do you think will happen next?” or “How do you think the character feels?” These types of questions develop predictability and help the children become aware of feelings.

9:05am – 9:15am

Music - Music could include singing, dancing and/or playing musical instruments. Studies prove that music, and especially rhyming are key to developing early literacy in children, plus they love it. At times, staff may use YouTube videos specifically designed for increasing musical interactions.

9:15am – 10:00am

Free Play – Children love free play, which is more than just play. Allowing them to play freely allows them to use their imagination. They organize themselves in targeted play, solve problems and self regulate.

Craft – During Free Play times, Mrs. Gerle pulls children one by one to work on a craft together. These crafts are selected specifically to let Mrs. Gerle observe the students fine motor skills, coordination and hand strength. She then can work with the student in any areas of need.

10:00am – 10:15am

Gym - The first day of the week the children will spend time in the gym. Providing the children time to run around, explore with gym equipment or play games. The second day of the week, staff will set up an obstacle course for the children to take part in. They are specificaly designed to increase hand/eye coordination, balance, gross motor skills and stengthen core muscles. At times, staff may take the children outside to the grass area beside the building for these activities or use appropriate body breaks videos on YouTube.

10:15am – 10:35am

Centers - Centers is another very important time during the childrens day. The class is divided up into small groups. Each group rotates around three or four centers. Each centers is specifically disigned to focus on a target area. These areas include scissor work, preprinting, fine motor stength, or problem solving to name a few.

10:35am – 11:00am

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

Snack Time – Approx. 20 minutes will be given for snack time. Please ensure you are providing a small healthy snack that can be eaten in that amount of time. Please no juice boxes.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

11:00am – 11:15am

Clean Up & Shoes Away – Our time together is coming to a close for the day. Time to clean up and store their shoes away in their cubbies.

Show and Share – Show and Share is back! Each day one child will be asked to bring a item from home to share with the class. Mrs. Gerle will guide the student in telling the class about thier item. They will then get to show each peer their special selection. We do ask that parents do not send an item with their child, unless it is their show and share day. It can cause distrubtion and confusion to the other students. If your child misses their speacial sharing day, no worries, just send their item the next day they can attend. Staff will make time for them to share!

Goodbye Song - Mrs. Gerle and students will end each day with the Goodbye Song.

11:05am – 11:15am

Welcome Parents – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will prepare the children for pick up. Parents are asked to wait outside the building and children will be released to parents as they arrive.

** Please note these times will vary! This is only meant to give you a general idea of how your child spends their time with us. As we move through the year, additional activities may be added. **

3/4 Year Old Split Afternoon Class: Monday/Wednesday

12:30PM – 3:30PM

The 3/4 split class is available for children who are three by September 1st or four by December 31st. This program will follow the class outline of the four year old program, however, the three year old children will be provided with age appropraite resources.

12:30pm - 12:45pm

Staggered Drop Off – Ms. Johnson will greet our students and families just outside the facility door. Once she checks their attendance off, children will enter the facility, where Mrs. Gerle will be waiting to assist in hanging up coats, taking out water bottles and snack bags.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle assists the children as they arrive in proper hand washing etiquette.

Shoes - The children are always required to wear shoes due to fire regulations. Shoes will remain in the playschool; housed in individual shoe cubbies.

12:45pm – 1:00pm

Circle Time – Circle time is where staff introduce and discuss the theme of the week. Mrs. Gerle guides them through the topic with the use of books, discussions or objects to observe.

Question Of The Day – A question will be asked relevant to the current theme, for example the question may be “Do you have any pets at home?”, “What is your pet's name?” Every child gets the opportunity to answer.

Visual Recognition - Mrs. Gerle will show and discuss an item with the children. Items will vary; it could be a stop sign, Canadian Flag, a symbol, color, or shape. In mid-October, the children will be shown a “letter of the day”. During this time, the children will also be presented with a sightword. This is to expose the children to sightwords they will be learning in Kindergarten.

Story Time – Story time could include various books. It could be interactive stories, felt book stories or regular stories. Mrs. Gerle will ask the children questions as they navigate through the story. “What do you think will happen next?” or “How do you think the character feels?” These types of questions develop predictability and help the children become aware of feelings. She may also draw attention to sightwords they have previously discussed.

1:00pm – 1:10pm

Music – Before leaving the carpet, the class will participate in music time. This could include singing, dancing, and/or playing musical instruments. Studies prove that music, and especially rhyming are key to developing early literacy in children, plus they love it.

1:10pm – 1:55pm

Free Play – Children love free play, which is more than just play. Allowing them to play freely allows them to use their imagination. They organize themselves in targeted play, solve problems and self regulate.

Craft Time - During free play, Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will do a craft with the children one at a time. The craft may incorporate fine motor skills, such as cutting or placing small objects in glue. Each child will have their own craft supplies to work with and items will not be shared amongst students.

1:55pm – 2:15pm

Gym - We are so excited to have access to the building gym again this year! We encourage healthy, active living. Providing the children time to run around, skip or bounce balls does this, along with improving hand eye coordination and gross motor skills. At times, staff may take the children outside to the grass area beside the building for these activities.

Obstacle Course - Typically staff utilize the gym the first day of the playschool week and set up an obstacle course for the children to work through on their second day. This course incorporates balance, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and flexibility, by using balance beams, tunnels, beam bags, pylons and many other pieces of equipment.

2:15pm – 2:45pm

Structured Centres - The children will be divided into groups and assigned to a center. There will be three or four centres, which will change daily, and each group will spend five minutes at each location. This duplicates the corresponding centre activities found in the current kindergarten programs. Each centre will be fun, interactive and focus on fine motor skills, writing, cutting, coloring, letters, etc. Here are some examples:

  • Today’s Theme Table (fine motor skills, writing, cut outs, coloring, different activities based on the theme)
  • puzzle center (fine motor skills, problem solving)
  • board games center (helps develop critical thinking and social skills, such as communication, sharing, taking turns)
  • name writing center (using the Writing without Tears Program)
  • sensory station (water table, sand table)

2:45pm - 3:15pm

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

Snack Time – Approx. 20 minutes will be given for snack time. Please ensure you are providing a small healthy snack that can be eaten in that amount of time. Please no juice boxes.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

3:15pm - 3:20pm

Show And Share – Each day one child will be asked to bring a item from home to share with the class. Mrs. Gerle will guide the student in telling the class about thier item. They will then get to show each peer their special selection. We do ask that parents do not send an item with their child, unless it is their show and share day. It can cause distrubtion and confusion to the other students. If your child misses their speacial sharing day, no worries, just send their item the next day they can attend. Staff will make time for them to share!

Goodbye Song - Mrs. Gerle and students will end each day with the Goodbye Song.

Shoes Away – Time for the children to put their shoes in the cubbies and prepare for parents to pick up.

3:20pm - 3:30pm

Welcome Parents – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will prepare the children for pick up. Parents are asked to wait outside the building and children will be released to parents as they arrive. ** Please note these times will vary! This is only meant to give you a general idea of how your child spends their time with us. As we move through the year, additional activities may be added. **


The 4 year classes consist of a maximum of 22 children, who turn four by December 31st. Children can attend even if they have not attended the 3 year old class. Children must be toilet trained completely before attending.

Click a class below to view the approximate schedule of a typical day for your 4 year old (exact times may vary slightly)

4 year old Tuesday/Thursday AM program for 2025/2026

4 Year Old Morning Classes: Tuesday/Thursday:

8:30AM – 11:30AM

8:30am - 8:45am

Staggered Drop Off – Ms. Johnson will greet our students and families just outside the facility door. Once she checks their attendance off, children will enter the facility, where Mrs. Gerle will be waiting to assist in hanging up coats, taking out water bottles and snack bags.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle assists the children as they arrive in proper hand washing etiquette.

Shoes - The children are always required to wear shoes due to fire regulations. Shoes will remain in the playschool; housed in individual shoe cubbies.

8:45am – 9:00am

Circle Time – Circle time is where staff introduce and discuss the theme of the week. Mrs. Gerle guides them through the topic with the use of books, discussions or objects to observe.

Question Of The Day – A question will be asked relevant to the current theme, for example the question may be “Do you have any pets at home?”, “What is your pet's name?” Every child gets the opportunity to answer.

Visual Recognition - Mrs. Gerle will show and discuss an item with the children. Items will vary; it could be a stop sign, Canadian Flag, a symbol, color, or shape. In mid-October, the children will be shown a “letter of the day”. During this time, the children will also be presented with a sightword. This is to expose the children to sightwords they will be learning in Kindergarten.

Story Time – Story time could include various books. It could be interactive stories, felt book stories or regular stories. Mrs. Gerle will ask the children questions as they navigate through the story. “What do you think will happen next?” or “How do you think the character feels?” These types of questions develop predictability and help the children become aware of feelings. She may also draw attention to sightwords they have previously discussed.

9:00am – 9:10am

Music – Before leaving the carpet, the class will participate in music time. This could include singing, dancing, and/or playing musical instruments. Studies prove that music, and especially rhyming are key to developing early literacy in children, plus they love it.

9:10am – 9:55am

Free Play – Children love free play, which is more than just play. Allowing them to play freely allows them to use their imagination. They organize themselves in targeted play, solve problems and self regulate.

Craft Time - During free play, Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will do a craft with the children one at a time. The craft may incorporate fine motor skills, such as cutting or placing small objects in glue. Each child will have their own craft supplies to work with and items will not be shared amongst students.

9:55am – 10:15am

Gym - We are so excited to have access to the building gym again this year! We encourage healthy, active living. Providing the children time to run around, skip or bounce balls does this, along with improving hand eye coordination and gross motor skills. At times, staff may take the children outside to the grass area beside the building for these activities.

Obstacle Course - Typically staff utilize the gym the first day of the playschool week and set up an obstacle course for the children to work through on their second day. This course incorporates balance, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and flexibility, by using balance beams, tunnels, beam bags, pylons and many other pieces of equipment.

10:15am – 10:45am

Structured Centres - The children will be divided into groups and assigned to a center. There will be three or four centres, which will change daily, and each group will spend five minutes at each location. This duplicates the corresponding centre activities found in the current kindergarten programs. Each centre will be fun, interactive and focus on fine motor skills, writing, cutting, coloring, letters, etc. Here are some examples:

  • Today’s Theme Table (fine motor skills, writing, cut outs, coloring, different activities based on the theme)
  • puzzle center (fine motor skills, problem solving)
  • board games center (helps develop critical thinking and social skills, such as communication, sharing, taking turns)
  • name writing center (using the Writing without Tears Program)
  • sensory station (water table, sand table)

10:45am - 11:15am

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

Snack Time – Approx. 20 minutes will be given for snack time. Please ensure you are providing a small healthy snack that can be eaten in that amount of time. Please no juice boxes.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

11:15am - 11:20am

Show And Share – Each day one child will be asked to bring a item from home to share with the class. Mrs. Gerle will guide the student in telling the class about thier item. They will then get to show each peer their special selection. We do ask that parents do not send an item with their child, unless it is their show and share day. It can cause distrubtion and confusion to the other students. If your child misses their speacial sharing day, no worries, just send their item the next day they can attend. Staff will make time for them to share!

Goodbye Song - Mrs. Gerle and students will end each day with the Goodbye Song.

Shoes Away – Time for the children to put their shoes in the cubbies and prepare for parents to pick up.

11:20am - 11:30am

Welcome Parents – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will prepare the children for pick up. Parents are asked to wait outside the building and children will be released to parents as they arrive.

** Please note these times will vary! This is only meant to give you a general idea of how your child spends their time with us. As we move through the year, additional activities may be added. **

4 Year Old Afternoon Class Tuesday/Thursday:

12:30PM – 3:30PM

12:30pm - 12:45pm

Staggered Drop Off – Ms. Johnson will greet our students and families just outside the facility door. Once she checks their attendance off, children will enter the facility, where Mrs. Gerle will be waiting to assist in hanging up coats, taking out water bottles and snack bags.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle assists the children as they arrive in proper hand washing etiquette.

Shoes - The children are always required to wear shoes due to fire regulations. Shoes will remain in the playschool; housed in individual shoe cubbies.

12:45pm – 1:00pm

Circle Time – Circle time is where staff introduce and discuss the theme of the week. Mrs. Gerle guides them through the topic with the use of books, discussions or objects to observe.

Question Of The Day – A question will be asked relevant to the current theme, for example the question may be “Do you have any pets at home?”, “What is your pet's name?” Every child gets the opportunity to answer.

Visual Recognition - Mrs. Gerle will show and discuss an item with the children. Items will vary; it could be a stop sign, Canadian Flag, a symbol, color, or shape. In mid-October, the children will be shown a “letter of the day”. During this time, the children will also be presented with a sightword. This is to expose the children to sightwords they will be learning in Kindergarten.

Story Time – Story time could include various books. It could be interactive stories, felt book stories or regular stories. Mrs. Gerle will ask the children questions as they navigate through the story. “What do you think will happen next?” or “How do you think the character feels?” These types of questions develop predictability and help the children become aware of feelings. She may also draw attention to sightwords they have previously discussed.

1:00pm – 1:10pm

Music – Before leaving the carpet, the class will participate in music time. This could include singing, dancing, and/or playing musical instruments. Studies prove that music, and especially rhyming are key to developing early literacy in children, plus they love it.

1:10pm – 1:55pm

Free Play – Children love free play, which is more than just play. Allowing them to play freely allows them to use their imagination. They organize themselves in targeted play, solve problems and self regulate.

Craft Time - During free play, Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will do a craft with the children one at a time. The craft may incorporate fine motor skills, such as cutting or placing small objects in glue. Each child will have their own craft supplies to work with and items will not be shared amongst students.

1:55pm – 2:15pm

Gym - We are so excited to have access to the building gym again this year! We encourage healthy, active living. Providing the children time to run around, skip or bounce balls does this, along with improving hand eye coordination and gross motor skills. At times, staff may take the children outside to the grass area beside the building for these activities.

Obstacle Course - Typically staff utilize the gym the first day of the playschool week and set up an obstacle course for the children to work through on their second day. This course incorporates balance, gross motor skills, fine motor skills and flexibility, by using balance beams, tunnels, beam bags, pylons and many other pieces of equipment.

2:15pm – 2:45pm

Structured Centres - The children will be divided into groups and assigned to a center. There will be three or four centres, which will change daily, and each group will spend five minutes at each location. This duplicates the corresponding centre activities found in the current kindergarten programs. Each centre will be fun, interactive and focus on fine motor skills, writing, cutting, coloring, letters, etc. Here are some examples:

  • Today’s Theme Table (fine motor skills, writing, cut outs, coloring, different activities based on the theme)
  • puzzle center (fine motor skills, problem solving)
  • board games center (helps develop critical thinking and social skills, such as communication, sharing, taking turns)
  • name writing center (using the Writing without Tears Program)
  • sensory station (water table, sand table)

2:45pm - 3:15pm

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

Snack Time – Approx. 20 minutes will be given for snack time. Please ensure you are providing a small healthy snack that can be eaten in that amount of time. Please no juice boxes.

Hand Washing – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will work with the children to ensure proper hand washing techniques.

3:15pm - 3:20pm

Show And Share – Each day one child will be asked to bring a item from home to share with the class. Mrs. Gerle will guide the student in telling the class about thier item. They will then get to show each peer their special selection. We do ask that parents do not send an item with their child, unless it is their show and share day. It can cause distrubtion and confusion to the other students. If your child misses their speacial sharing day, no worries, just send their item the next day they can attend. Staff will make time for them to share!

Goodbye Song - Mrs. Gerle and students will end each day with the Goodbye Song.

Shoes Away – Time for the children to put their shoes in the cubbies and prepare for parents to pick up.

3:20pm - 3:30pm

Welcome Parents – Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will prepare the children for pick up. Parents are asked to wait outside the building and children will be released to parents as they arrive.

** Please note these times will vary! This is only meant to give you a general idea of how your child spends their time with us. As we move through the year, additional activities may be added. **