October News

Important Updates From the Board of Directors


Covid-19 Daily Assessment Changes & Isolation Requirements 

The Carstairs Playschool Society has not received a new guidance document from Alberta Health, however there have been some changes to the Covid-19 Daily Assessments. These changes are based on close contact exposure and exhibiting symptoms:

  • If your child has been a household close contact (sibling or parent) or a close contact to someone who they have spend a lengthy amount of time with (sleep over, babysitter, childcare, etc.), that has tested positive for Covid-19, your child is required to isolate for 14 days.

  • If your child exhibits symptoms within that 14 day period, they are required to isolate an additional 10 days from the onset of their symptoms.

  • If your child has not been in close contact but has symptoms such as Fever, Cough, Shortness of Breath, or Loss of Sense of Taste or Smell, your child is required to isolate for 10 days or have a negative Covid-19 test and feel better before returning to playschool.

These details and questions are explained further on the Covid-19 Daily Assessment. Please note, these questions are copied directly from Alberta Health Services and does mention immunizations, which is not relevant to this age group. It was not removed to ensure clarity and accuracy.

We thank you for your patience and understanding as we navigate through continuing changes. Our primary goal is to try and keep the children, parents and staff at the Carstairs Playschool Society healthy.

Covid-19 Daily Assessment (Under the age of 18)
Covid-19 Daily Assessment (Adult)

Board of Director Changes and Vacancies

On September 19th, the Carstairs Playschool Society held it is Annual General Meeting. Thank you to those who have joined or remained on the Board of Directors. There are however several positions still available for this year:

Chair - Vacant
Vice-Chair - Vacant
Fundraising - Brandi Slade
Class Rep - Brendalee Mihalicz
Secretary - Vacant
Scholastic - Vacant
Past Chair - Janene Andrews
Members at Large - Courtney Reid and Deserai Malcolm

Having a full board is essential to the operating and decision making of the Carstairs Playschool Society. The time commitment varies depending on position, but most are minimal. If you are interested in learning more about the positions, please email Gail at carstairsplayschool@gmail.com.

Our first Board Meeting will be October 17 via Zoom at 6:30pm.
Board Meeting

Each month, there are several themes that activities, crafts, stories and group discussion are based on.

Themes for October are:
Thanksgiving & Halloween

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Who to contact:

Call/text 403 816 1481
Email: carstairsplayschoolteacher@gmail.com
Administration or Financial:
Call/text Gail 403 999 8275
Email: carstairsplayschool@gmail.com
Programming or Student Concerns:
Call/text Mrs. Gerle 403 305 6204
Email carstairsplayschoolteacher@gmail.com

School Photos

Renee from Simply Unique will be doing school pictures for the playschool on October 4th and 5th. Families have the option of purchasing a class photo or five edited individual photos, plus the class photo.  These photos come as a link, and you can print as many copies as you wish.  
Simply Unique Order Form

Fire Drills

Each playschool class will be participating in three separate fire drills throughout the year, with our first being September 27 & 28. We feel it is important that the staff and children practice these drills in order to be properly prepared to leave the premises if an emergency arises. During these drills, the teacher will explain the procedure to the students and then both the teachers and the assistants will follow the protocol in evacuating the children. They will be lined up in the classroom, then as a group we walk to The Legion parking lot. Attendance is taken and once all are accounted for, we return to the playschool and continue with our regular program. If a real emergency does occur, parents will be contacted as soon as possible and, at that time, you will be told to pick up your child at The Legion parking lot.

Show and Share

The children are loving Show and Share!  As a reminder of protocol, every day, two students from each class will bring something from home that they are willing to show to each of their friends.  In order to keep your child safe and healthy, we are asking that the toys be kept in a sealed Ziploc bag.  The toy will stay in the bag in the Show and Share bucket until circle time.  The child will then have an opportunity to answer questions and talk about their item that they brought that day.  They will then walk around the classroom showing the other students what they brought.  However, due to restrictions, they will not be taking the item out of the bag, nor will the other children in the classroom be touching the item.  

Your child can bring whatever they want for Show and Share, however we do request that they bring just one item so that each child has a sufficient amount of time to discuss their special object. Please do not send an item from home if it is not your child’s Show and Share day. If your child is sick on their special day, they are more than welcome to bring their Show and Share item the next time they come to playschool.

The calendar is always included in the newsletter only and will not be shared on social media.

September 27 – Fire Drill

September 28 – Fire Drill

September 29 – Orange Shirt Day

September 30 – Orange Shirt Day

October 4 – Picture Day for the Monday/Wednesday classes

October 5 – Picture Day for the Tuesday/Thursday classes

October 11 – No school because of the Thanksgiving holiday

October 12 – No school because of the Thanksgiving holiday

October 17 – Board Meeting via Zoom 6:30pm

October 18 – Halloween themed shirts or black shirts

October 19 – Halloween themed shirts or black shirts

October 27– Halloween Party for the Monday/Wednesday classes

October 28 – Halloween Party for the Tuesday/Thursday classes


Halloween Parties

Each playschool class will be having a Halloween party and the children can wear their costumes.  The day will be spend having fun and playing games. For last 15 minutes of each class, the children will parade around the classroom in their costume.  Because parents will not be in the building to see the parade, it will be recorded and posted on our Facebook page.  We ask that the children bring their regular snacks on this day, but they will enjoy a special treat from the Playschool.   

Table Time

The four year old's will be using the Handwriting Without Tears Program and will be practicing the language used to start them writing their numbers and letters.  Half way through the month, we will begin working on the numbers 1 – 3.  The activities used in this program allow for many skills to start developing.   The children will be learning to use correct top-to-bottom, left-to-right directionality for numbers.  At the same time, we will be working on holding a crayon with proper grip to write, and using our helping hand to stabilize objects and paper.  The children will also be encouraged to use the same hand they started the task with, and then use that hand consistently to hold their crayons.

The three year old's will be participating in activities which will allow them to practice their fine motor skills.  They will be introduced to crayons, tweezers, tongs, and clothes pins to help them develop the muscles needed to begin their pre-printing activities.  These activities will be done in small groups every Monday, and Wednesdays will be designated to practicing the sounds specific letters make.  We will continue to practice the letter “S” sound for the month of October.


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This month, we would be grateful for:

Empty paper towel rolls
Stickers (any kind)
Craft foam sheets (all colors)
Pony Beads
Small jingle bells

Speech Screening

We, at the Carstairs Playschool Society, feel it is important that we use all our available resources to prepare the children for kindergarten, and life in general.  Language, speech, and articulation are important aspects to a child, as they must have communication skills in everything and everywhere they go.  I will be using a speech screening checklist which I complete for any child I may be concerned about during class time.

If I hear that certain sounds or letter are missing, or if I can’t hear a word clearly, I will be recommending that parents get in touch with Chantal Aussant-Huhn, the Speech Therapist at the Foothills Hospital.  We believe it is important to target these speech and language difficulties at a young age.  We also feel that if a child gets the help they need, they will be much more confident and sure of themselves in every aspect of their life, especially in going forward onto kindergarten and beyond.

Pick – Up

We are asking that you please plan to be at the playschool five minutes before your child’s scheduled pick-up time. We have a large number of children to get ready, and limited amount of time to clean, switch out the toys and get the room ready for the next class.   Thank you so much for your understanding!!


  • Please do not send backpacks to school. The Covid-19 guidance document asks to limit the amount of soft materials coming to the space. This is to reduce the transfer of germs. In addition, it is one more thing for the staff to try organize and ensure goes with the correct student.

  • Please label all jackets, lunch bags, water bottles and shoes. We have many duplicates and must ensure each child leaves with their correct items.

  • Snacks must be peanut free.

  • Please bring snacks in a lunch kit and please label all containers as we have a few juice cups that are the same.


As mentioned in the welcome package, the first fundraiser of the year is Davison Orchard Apples. Carstairs Playschool friends and families have been enjoying these apples every fall for several years. They are delicious. As always, fundraisers are optional, but these apples sell themselves. Forms and funds must be returned by October 7th. If you wish to send the funds via EFT, please send to carstairsplayschool@gmail.com. Families you are selling to are also welcome to EFT, I just ask that they include your or your child's name in the comments. Please note, earlier forms indicated a delivery date of October 18th. It has been changed to October 19th.
Davison Orchard Apples Order Form