April News

Here's what's happening for the month of:

Themes for March are:

Musical Instruments

Earth Day


Easter Parties

Our Easter parties will be on Wednesday, March 31st and Thursday, April 1st. Because of our new Covid-19 restrictions, we will not be asking parents to send hard boiled eggs from home. Instead, the playschool will be providing the children with two plastic egg for them to paint and decorate. Our day will follow the general routine of the program, so please send your child with a snack. Unfortunately at this time treats can not be shared, so please do not send class treats. We will provide them a little treat!!

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March 31 - Easter party for the Monday/Wednesday classes

April 1 - Easter party for the Tuesday/Thursday classes

April 5 - No school because of the Easter holiday

April 15 - Honey Babies Fundraiser forms due

April 19-22 - No school - Spring Break

April 22 - Growing Smiles order deadline at 3:30pm

Classes will resume Monday, April 26th for the Monday/Wednesday classes and Tuesday, April 27th for the Tuesday/Thursday classes

April 26 - walking to the recycling for the Monday/Wednesday classes 

April 27 - walking to the recycling for the Tuesday/Thursday classes

April 28 - walking to the bottle depot for the Monday/Wednesday classes

April 29 - walking to the bottle depot for the Tuesday/Thursday classes

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To celebrate Earth Day, we will focus the importance of recycling and the environment. We will be discussing Earth Day on Monday, April 26th, and Tuesday, April 27th. On these days, and weather permitting, we will be taking the children to the Recycling Center during our allotted play time. Please supply your child with one recyclable item (i.e. cardboard, newspaper, plastic container, etc.) on these days so that the children are able to recycle an item. PLEASE DO NOT SEND TIN CANS OR GLASS, AS THE CHILDREN MAY CUT THEMSELVES. On Wednesday, April 28th and Thursday, April 29th we will be discussing the environment. Again weather permitting, we will take the children to the Carstairs Bottle Depot during our allotted walk time. For this trip please supply your child with a washed, recyclable item (i.e. juice box, water bottle, etc.). Your child will be able to return and receive money for their recyclable item.

This month we are accepting:Empty tissue boxesWhite poster board

We are currently accepting donations of:
Small paper bowls
Empty tissue boxes (17)
Small paper plates
Toilet paper rolls
Tongue depressors
Baby jar lids

Table Time

This month the three year old's will be working more on their scissor skills to help prepare them for the four year old program in the fall. We will also be focusing more on their fine motor abilities.  We will be incorporating activities that will include tongs, clothespins, etc.  This helps hone their skills to prepare them for practicing proper pencil grip. 

The four year old's will be working on letters A, M, N, and V.  Practicing these letters will help the children learn to use correct top-to-bottom, left-to-right directionality for letters, while holding a crayon with proper pencil grip and using their helper hand to help stabilize objects and paper.  I work closely with the children at this center so I am able to help them with their pencil grip as well as help them with the letters in their name.  I am very impressed with all of the four year old's!!  They have come so far with their name writing and their understanding of the lingo used in the Handwriting Without Tears Program.

Michelle’s center almost always involves some king of scissor practice which may have to do with the theme or the letter that we are working on.  The children love this center and all have them have improved significantly with their scissor skills!!  We are both so proud of all the kids, and how well they are doing this year!!!!

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Spring Fundraisers

As mentioned in the March newsletter, the Growing Smiles fundraiser will be kicking off this week. The fundraiser will be strictly online and will run until 3:30pm on April 22nd. Delivery will be May 7th, just before Mother's Day and these hanging baskets make perfect gifts.

Growing Smiles Fundraiser

In addition to Growing Smiles, we have included Honey Babies Corp. Fundraiser. This local company specializes in unfiltered honey, infused honey, glazes and coconut oil honey soap. This fundraiser will be a paper fundraiser, which need to be returned to the school by April 15th. Please return cash and/or cheque made out to Honey Babies along with the form. If you prefer EFT, email to carstairsplayschool@gmail.com. Include your name, or customers name along with yours, in the comment section of the EFT. Delivery for Honey Babies will be April 30th, time yet to be determined. As an extra incentive, the family with the largest Honey Babies sales, will receive a $50 Prepaid Visa courteous of Honey Babies Corp.

Honey Babies Fundraiser Package

Surveillance System

The Carstairs Playschool Society is the process of having a doorbell and surveillance system installed in the playschool. This consists of two cameras, one in the main room and one in the boot room. This system is for security purposes only. No one will have access to footage and it will not be shared. Proper signage advising of surveillance will be put up in the upcoming weeks.


Scholastic Books is another source of fundraising for the playschool. When families order books, the playschool receive "Scholastic Cash", which is a account credit that is used to purchase supplies for the playschool. Due to Covid-19, the playschool has moved to an online format for all flyers and orders. This month, Scholastic has two flyers for families to choose from. The code required to order online is: RC183593

March 2021 Grow a Reader

RC Spring Gift Guide

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with myself or Michelle, or you can email me at carstairsplayschoolteacher@gmail.com

Danielle and Michelle