Here's what's happening for the month of March!

March News

Themes for March are:


St. Patrick's Day

People in the Community


4 Year Old Parents

Kindergarten is coming soon and we want your children to be as confident as possible to start their first year of school!!  There are four skills that your children should be doing consistently upon entering kindergarten:

  1. Your child must be able to hold a pencil correctly (proper pencil grip)

  2. Your child must be able to hold scissors correctly (thumb’s up)

  3. Your child must be able to recognize his/her name

  4. Your child must be able to put on his/her own shoes, and zip up his/her own coat

We have been working on these skills with the children since the beginning of the school year and they all have been doing very well.  Any extra work at home at these tasks would be beneficial to the transition from playschool to kindergarten.  

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March 3 - Pajama Day for the Monday/Wednesday classes

March 4 - Pajama Day for the Tuesday/Thursday classes

March 17 - Monday/Wednesday classes wear green

March 18 - Tuesday/Thursday classes wear green

March 28 - Carstairs Playschool Board Meeting - 2pm via zoom

March 31 - Easter party for the Monday/Wednesday classes

April 1 - Easter party for the Tuesday/Thursday classes

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Each playschool class will be having their own pajama party. The children can come to playschool in their pajamas. We apologize but this year the children WILL NOT be able to bring a pillow or their favorite stuffed animal. This is due to the current Covid-19 restrictions. For each pajama day, we are planning on following the regular classroom routine, however we will be including a few different games and activities which will be related to the pajama day theme. Each class will be watching a movie and will have popcorn as a treat. But please send your child with a regular snack as the movie will not be played until the end of each class.

This month we are accepting:Empty tissue boxesWhite poster board

We are currently accepting donations of:
Empty tissue boxes
White poster paper

Table Time

Although we don’t have a specified table time with the three year old class, we do practice fine motor skills during our classroom activities.  At craft time, we work one on one with the children and we are able to help them with proper pencil grasp, holding scissors correctly, and following one or two step directions.  At the beginning of the year, playtime for three year olds usually involves parallel play, where the children play beside each other but not with each other.  As the year goes on, this slowly transitions into imaginative play where the children will start creating games that involve more than just themselves.  This is where we are at now in the three year old class and there are some really close friendships emerging!!  During this kind of play, the children are learning problem solving skills, sharing, taking turns, as well as new ideas they may have not thought of themselves.  All the skills are extremely beneficial for the children and are preparing them for the more structured four year old program. 

This month the four year olds will be working on letters S, J, D, P, and B.  Practicing these letters will help the children learn to use correct top-to-bottom, left-to-right directionality for letters, while holding a crayon with proper pencil grip and using their helper hand to help stabilize objects and paper.  I work closely with the children at this center so I am able to help them with their pencil grip as well as help them with the letters in their name.  I am very impressed with all of the four year olds!!  They have come so far with their name writing and their understanding of the lingo used in the Handwriting Without Tears Program.

Michelle’s center almost always involves some kind of scissor practice which may have to do with the theme or the letter that we are working on.  The children love this center and all have improved significantly with their scissor skills!!  We are both so proud of all the kids, and how well they are doing this year!!!! 

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The Carstairs Playschool Society is run by a volunteer board of directors. Should you be interested in helping out, or just want to know more about the playschool and how it operates, please join us in one of our monthly board meeting. The next meeting will be held via Zoom on March 28th at 2 pm.

March Carstairs Board Meeting Link

Spring Fundraiser

For the third year in a row, the Carstairs Playschool has organized a Growing Smiles Flowers fundraiser. These hanging flower and strawberry baskets, plus herbs and succulents have been fantastic in previous years! This fundraiser will be an online campaign, that will run for the month of April and delivery will be just in time for Mother's Day! Watch for the link coming out at the end of March.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with myself or Michelle, or you can email me at

Danielle and Michelle