Welcome to the Carstairs Playschool Society 2020-2021 school year.  We are very pleased to have your child attending our program. 

With the uncertainty of how Covid-19 will affect the playschool program, we want to ensure you that, Danielle Gerle, Michelle Johnson, and the Board of Directors have been working very hard over the summer reviewing the latest Covid-19 Information Guidelines for Preschools and implementing all safety measures required to minimize the risk of transmission.   Covid-19 Policies and Procedures document works in conjunction with the policies found in the Carstairs Playschool Handbook and is subject to change as directed by the Alberta Chief Medical Officer of Health Orders.  Please ensure you have fully read and understand both documents.  We also want to remind families that it is imperative that children must not enter the playschool space if they have Covid symptoms.

Because of the new guidelines the school will look a bit different than previous years. But we want to ensure parents that the Carstairs Playschool will remain a fun, caring, enriching environment that focuses on kindergarten readiness and creative learning.  

Significant changes have been made to drop off and pick up procedures.  In order to reduce the number of children arriving at one time, each class will have a 10 minute drop off window.  Parents are asked to wait outside of the building, which will be an ongoing requirement, and maintain social distancing.  Ms. Johnson will then assist parents through the Covid-19 Daily Assessment Checklist and take your child’s temperature.   Once complete, your child may enter the playschool where Mrs. Gerle will be waiting inside the boot room to assist your children.  Snack bags and shoes will be left on their assigned hook and children will be escorted to the washroom for hand washing.  At this time, parents are asked not to enter the Carstairs Playschool building.  

At your child’s pick up time, parents are again asked to wait outside of the building.  Mrs. Gerle and Ms. Johnson will assist the children in getting ready and deliver them as they see parents arrive.  Again, please do not enter the Carstairs Playschool Society building.  

We understand that the first day of school can bring some uncertainty for children and parents, especially under these circumstances.  To help allow children a few extra minutes to say goodbye to parents, we will be staggering 5 or 10 minute drop off time slots, depending on which class, for the first day only of the Monday/Wednesday AM and Tuesday/Thursday AM classes.   A smaller number of children will share the same time slot.  These two classes will also have reduced hours to allow transition time for the first day only. Your child’s start date, first day time slot and pick up time can be found in the Inforamtion Package previously email out to families. Monday/Wednesday PM and Tuesday/Thursday PM classes are to arrive during your regular 10 minute drop off window.

Please dress your child in comfortable, washable play clothes and footwear appropriate to the weather.  Your child must wear indoor shoes in the classroom at all times.  These shoes will remain at the playschool, in your child’s designated cubby.  Please label all your child's belongings with his/her name.  

Children are required to bring a small nutritious snack such as fruit, veggies, yogurt or cheese and crackers.  Our goal for snack time is to encourage healthy eating habits, self-help skills, and socializing with other children in a short amount of time.  Please include a refillable water bottle and no juice boxes.  We are a NUT FREE facility.

Please provide the following additional school supplies on the first day of school:

  • 3 containers of Play-doh, your choice of color and labeled

  • 5 Ziplock bags

  • 1 12 pack of crayons, labeled

The Carstairs Playschool Society is currently accepting donations of the following:

  • Bleach

  • Lysol wipes

  • J Cloth

  • Mr. Clean

To help parents through the large amount of information we are looking at holding an online Parent Information Session prior to school starting.  If this is something you are interested in, please respond to this email or watch for the online survey on our Facebook page.

The Carstairs Playschool Society asks for your patience.  There has been lengthy and ongoing discussion with our Health Inspector and we have the utmost confidence in our new procedures.  However, as with all things new, we need time to adjust and reflect on what processes work and what needs to be adjusted.  These changes will be continuously communicated to families.  

 Lastly, the Board of Directors is looking for a few more parents/guardians to sit on the Carstairs Playschool Board.  If you are interested in participating in our monthly meeting or would like further information from any of our meetings, please let us know.

On behalf of the Board of Directors thank you for choosing Carstairs Playschool Society and we look forward to getting to know all of you.  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the playschool, please contact Gail Schwartz at (403)999-8275 or via email at carstairsplayschool@gmail.com.


The Carstairs Playschool Board