Covid 19 Policy Update - March 15, 2020

UPDATE: MARCH 15, 2020 7:49PM

Due to the Alberta Government’s new recommendations the Carstairs Playschool Society is now closed.

Please watch for further information.

March 15, 2020

Families of the Carstairs Playschool Society

The Carstairs Playschool Society would like to ensure families that we are taking all necessary precautions in keeping our students and staff as safe as possible.  We have been reviewing our policies and procedure as this situation unfolds.

The Carstairs Playschool Society will be following the recommendations released by the Alberta Health Minister on March 14, 2020.  

  • We are asking that if any child is experiencing any cold like symptoms, regardless if they do not align with Covid 19 symptoms, to be kept home.  Students showing symptoms will not be permitted to return until after 14 days after symptoms started.  As stated in the Parent Handbook, if staff feels that an attending child is ill, parents will be contacted and required to pick up their child immediately.  Please notify staff, via text at 403 816 1481, if you child will not be attending.  This is to help us monitor the staff to student ratio in the event of staff becoming ill. 

  • If staff members develop any cold like symptoms, they will be required to stay home.  In the event of the Playschool does not having enough staff to adequately meet our staff to student ratio set out by Alberta Child Care Licensing Act, we will have no option but to close the playschool until those requirements can be met.

  • Upon arriving, children will be asked to wash their hands.  Staff will monitor handwashing, to ensure proper technique is followed.   Additional hand washing will be required throughout the program time.

  • The Carstairs Playschool Society follows strict daily cleaning guidelines set out by the Alberta Child Care Licensing Act.  However, during this time there will be additional cleaning, especially on highly used surfaces. 

  • Children will not have access to the gym area at this time.  This is due to other organizations in the building also utilizing the space. 

Staff and board members are closely following updates sent out by the Alberta Health Minister and will follow their recommendations as this situation progresses.  Keeping our students, staff and the public safe during this time of uncertainty is of the upmost importance. 

Thank you for your cooperation,

The Carstairs Playschool Board