March themes will be Bedtime, People in the Community and of course, St Patrick’s Day. We will be reading stories, participating in discussions, making crafts and doing activities that will be based on each individual theme.
4 Year Old Parents
Kindergarten is coming soon, and we want your children to be as confident as possible when starting their first year of school. There are four skills that your children should be doing consistently upon entering kindergarten:
1. Your child should be able to hold a pencil correctly (proper pencil grip)
2. Your child should be able to hold scissors correctly (thumbs up)
3. Your child should be able to recognize his/her name
4. Your child should be able to put on his/her own shoes, and zip up his/her own coat
We have been working on these skills since the beginning of the school year and the children have been doing very well. Any extra opportunity for them to work on these tasks at home would be beneficial to the transition from playschool to kindergarten.
March 3 - Playschool Board meeting 2pm
March 11 – Pajama Day for the Monday/Wednesday classes
March 12 – Pajama Day for the Tuesday/Thursday classes
March 13 – No School
March 14 – No School
March 19 – Miss Marg from the library comes to read to the morning 4-year-old class
March 20 – Miss Marg from the library comes to read to the 4-year-old class
March 21 – Miss Marg from the library comes to read to the afternoon 4-year-old class
Pajama Day
Each playschool class will be having a pajama party on March 11 & 12. The children can come to playschool in their pajamas and if they choose, they can bring a pillow and teddy bear. For each pajama day, we are planning on following the regular classroom routine for the most part, but the end of the day, each class will be watching a movie and having popcorn as a treat. Please ensure you send your child with a regular snack.
Sickness Policy
Tis the season for cold and flu. Recently, we have had quite a few children coming to school with very bad colds. If your child is not feeling well, please keep them home. When they are that sick, they cannot experience their school day properly and often just want to cuddle and sleep. We feel these sick children will enjoy that more in the comfort of their own home. We also want to keep our facility as healthy as possible. While we teach healthy hand washing techniques, there are a lot of children in our facility and germs spread easily. For more details the Carstairs Playschool policy regarding ill children, please refer to our Parent Handbook.
Your craft supply donations are greatly appreciated and make a huge impact for the playschool. We are currently accepting:
Brown construction paper
Green construction paper
Glue sticks
Just a reminder, the Carstairs Playschool Board is always looking for parental involvement. If you are interested in joining the board, or have some input you would like to share with the board, please email
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at, or you can phone the playschool at 403 816 1481.