Themes for the month
Christmas is the theme for December. We will be reading stories, and participating in discussions related to Christmas. The children will be making crafts and will be practicing their songs for the Christmas Party on December 20th.
Dates to remember
December 12 – Miss Marg from the library comes to read to the 4-year old morning class
December 13 – Miss Marg from the library comes to read to the 4-year old classes
December 14 – Miss Marg from the library comes to read to the 4-year old afternoon class
December 20 – Christmas party for all classes (9:00am – 11:00am) Details can be found on the website
December 21 to January 7 – Christmas Break no school
January 8 - Classes resume for Monday/Wednesday programs
January 9 – Classes resume for Tuesday/Thursday programs
Christmas Party
Just a reminder that all classes are invited to attend the Christmas party on Wednesday, December 20th from 9:00am – 11:00am. Details around the Christmas Party can be found on the website. There will be a separate email coming out shortly regarding the food/treat sign-up sheet. Please do not bring food unless you signed up to do so. For those who do volunteer to supply food, please remember the Carstairs Playschool is a NUT FREE environment.
After many months of hard work, the Carstairs Playschool website is up and fully functional. It is a great resource and will always have up to date information. Please take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with it.
- Snacks must be peanut free.
- Please bring snacks in a lunch kit and label all containers as we have a few juice cups that are the same.
- All Scholastic orders must be paid by cheque – NO CASH please
- The Lost and Found bin has a few items in it. It is located on top of the lunch kit shelf found right inside the classroom door.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to discuss them with myself or Lorraine, or you can email me at
We both wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Danielle and Lorraine