Welcome to playschool! I hope everyone had a great summer!
Themes for the month
The themes that we will be working on this month are “All About Me”, which we will work on for one week, “Friendship”, which we will work on for one week, and “Fairy Tales”, which will be covered during the last two weeks of the month. We will be reading stories and participating in discussions that are theme-related. The children will be making crafts and participating in activities that will be based on each individual theme.
Parent Corner
The parent corner is located on the north wall in the front entrance, and we are hoping that you can use it as a good resource for yourself and your child. The following information will be posted in the parent corner:
- Monthly Class Calendar, which shows Star Student of the Day and Show and Share days
- Monthly Newsletter
- Carstairs Playschool Society Handbook
- Parent Craft assignments and due dates
This information can also be found on the Carstairs Playschool Society Facebook page.
Classroom Visits
Parents are more than welcome to attend the classes of your child. I do request that these visits start after the Thanksgiving holiday in order to give teachers and students time to get familiar with each other and the routine. There will be a sign-up sheet in the classroom starting October 11th, 2017 for those of you who would like to come and spend time in the classroom.
Show and Share
For those families who are new to the playschool, and to refresh those families returning, I just wanted to explain a little bit about Show and Share. Every day, two students from each class will bring something from home that they are willing to show and pass around to each child in the circle. Your child can bring whatever they want for show and share, however we do request that they bring just one item so that each child has a sufficient amount of time to discuss their special object. It is labeled on each monthly calendar when it is your child’s turn to bring show and share. If your child is sick on his/her show and share day, he/she is more than welcome to bring their show and share item the next time they come to playschool. Please do not allow them to bring items or toys unless it is their Show and Share day, as this tends to disrupt class.
I would like to welcome our Educational Assistants to the Carstairs Playschool. These ladies will be in the classroom to assist a few children with the daily activities and expectations of the preschool program. Both Lorraine and I are looking forward to working with them this year.
Dates to Remember
September 18 – Picture day for the Monday/Wednesday classes; details to be sent out shortly
September 19 – Picture day for the Tuesday/Thursday classes; details to be sent out shortly
Scholastic Orders
There will be many scholastic orders available to you throughout the playschool year, however you are not obligated to purchase books. These order forms will always be put in your child’s cubby. All orders must be paid by cheque – NO CASH please.
Parents can expect ongoing communication regarding program activities via newsletters, our website (www.carstairsplayschool.net), facebook page and the “parent corner” located in the coat room of the playschool.
The Carstairs Playschool supports and promotes an “open door” communication policy. Parents are encouraged to contact the teaching staff and arrange a mutually acceptable time to discuss any concerns and/or questions regarding your child in the preschool program. The number for the Carstairs Playschool is 403 816 1481.
On a personal note, I encourage communication of all kinds. Please feel free to call me at home at 403 337 0169, or you may contact me by email at carstairsplayschoolteacher@gmail.com. I am looking forward to a successful 2017/18 school year!