Annual General Meeting

Tuesday, September 29th at 7pm

The Carstairs Playschool Society will be hosting their annual general meeting through Zoom tomorrow evening.  It is open to the public.  If you would like to join, please see the Zoom link below.  

gail schwartz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Carstairs Playschool Society AGM
Time: Sep 29, 2020 07:00 PM Edmonton

Join Zoom Meeting

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September Update

September 22, 2020


Hello Families!

Now that we have a couple of weeks under our belt, we would like to thank all of you for your patience and understanding during this time of change.   We know this has not been easy for anyone, and we really appreciate your flexibility.  

More than half of the families are using the online Covid-19 Daily Assessment, which is wonderful.  The form has been posted on our website, under the “Resources” tab, for easy access.  As the days turn colder, this may be a faster option to get the children through the door.  We do ask that if you have not already done so, please complete the Mask Authorization form.  The mask is a parental choice, but we would like to hear from everyone please.  

To start out the year, there will be group discussion with the children about their families.  We ask that you please email us a picture of your family.  They will be printed and posted on the wall for the year.  Your child will get the opportunity to tell us and classmates about his/her family.  Please email them to Ms. Johnson at  

We are happy to announce that Renee from Simply Unique will be coming to take school pictures again this year.  These will be individual photos only, and unfortunately, there will not be a class photo due to physical distancing.  Picture day will most likely be October 14th and 15th, but confirmation will be sent out closer too.

Our first fundraiser is kicking off this week.  This will be the third year we have offered Davison Orchard Apples and they are wonderful!  The apples are hand picked, come in 15lbs boxes and have four variety options.  Forms and funds are due back on October 7th.  If you prefer email transfer, please forward to  A password is not required, but please put your name in the comment section for easy tracking.  Delivery of the apples will be October 19th.  Please watch for pick up details.  

The Carstairs Playschool Annual General Meeting is September 29th at 7pm.  This meeting will be hosted through Zoom.  All families are welcome to attend.  A separate email will come out prior to the meeting that will include the meeting link.  The Board is always looking for volunteers, either to hold positions or members at large.  Details on the various Board of Directors positions, can be found on our website. 

A reminder to all families who are making monthly program payments.  Fees are due at the beginning of each month.  If you prefer cheque, please provide post dated cheques that cover the entire year.  Email transfers can be sent to  If multiple reminders are required for payment, you may be asked to provide post dated cheques or cash going forward.  Should you have any questions regarding the payment schedule, please contact Gail at 403 999 8275.  Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Although we cannot physically have an “open door policy”, we want to continue to have open communication with our families.  If you have any questions or concerns about the new processes, please feel free to contact us at  We will also continue to update you on any changes within the guidelines, as they come available, from Alberta Health Services. 

We are looking forward to a wonderful year!

Kindest Regards

The Carstairs Playschool Society

Covid-19 Update

The Carstairs Playschool Society has received an updated Covid-19 Information Guidenace for Preschools from Alberta Health Services and our Covid-19 Policies and Procedures has been updated accordingly.

Policy changes include:

  • In the event of a child becoming sick at the playschool, all items used by the child in the 48 hours prior to symptom onset and while isolated should be cleaned and disinfected as soon as the child has been picked up.  Items that can not be cleaned should be removed and stored in sealed container for a minimum of 72 hours. 

  • Parents can access Covid-19 testing by filling out the AHS Online Assessment Tool and booking a test. 

  • A child that has a cough, fever, shortness of breath, runny nose or sore throat that is not related to a pre-existing condition or who tests positive for Covid-19 is legally required to isolate for 10 days from the start of their symptoms, or until symptoms resolve, whichever takes longer.

  • If a child has a fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath or sore throat and is not tested for Covid-19, the child must isolate for 10 days from symptom onset, or until symptoms resolve, whichever is longer. Note: It is always recommended that parents seek testing for a child with symptoms of Covid-19.

  • If the child tests negative and has no known exposure to the virus, they must stay home until their symptoms resolve.  If the child tests negative and has has an exposure to the virus, they are legally required to quarantine for 14 days from the exposure date.

  • AHS Coordinated Covid-19 Response is availabe to all child care settings at 1-844-343-0971.  They must be contacted, as soon as there are two or more children/staff members showing Covid-19 symptoms.  

  • Covid-19 daily assessment forms must be kept for 4 weeks, rather than 2, for contact tracing purposes.

  • Program attendance needs to be reported weekly to the Ministry of Children's Services.  

  • Proper hand washing hygiene posters are required in the washroom.

  • Coat hooks that are used for personal items must be cleaned and disinfected after each cohort use.  

Please review the complete updated Covid-19 Policy and Procedure document throughly.  Should you have any questions, please contact us at

Thank you for your dedication in keeping the students and staff healthy and safe.

The Carstairs Playschool Society

Updated Guidance For Preschools - Aug 31, 2020

Covid-19 Information Guidance for Preschools - Issued August 31, 2020

The Alberta Government has issued a revised Covid-19 Guidance for Preschools. The Carstairs Playschool Society will be reviewing this document thoroughly and updating our Covid-19 Policies and Procedures accordingly. The revised policies and procedures will be emailed out to all families as soon as possible. Any required adjustments in programing will be made before opening on Wednesday, September 9th.